Alexander Schmitt Photography: A guide to My Packages and Services

The Classic Wedding Album

All the great events are documented in books. And some not…

One Single 50 page Professionally printed album to showcase your celebration of love and commitment.

Designed by Alexander Schmitt Photography, Proofed by You, Printed by Professionals

  1. Basic Package

Wedding Day Coverage For 6 Hours

Online Gallery + High Resolution Downloads

Price for basic package services - 1500

All Inclusive Photography

Full Day Photography coverage.

Time is arranged by your desire or necessity. APX 8 - 10 Hours

Image release:

Print your photos Anywhere

Event Planning Partner:

Shot list creation + timeline creation + planning Partner

Wedding Photography: Online Album

Infinitely accessible to anyone you like

2. Everlast Package

Planning and Photography Coordination

All Day Photography Coverage

Online Gallery + High Resolution Downloads

Professionally Designed and Printed Photo Album

35 MM Film Photograph Shots

Price for Everlast Package services - 2,400.00

Book the husband and wife photography team: Alexander and Sonja Schmitt

Second Photographer booking for APX 4-6 hours: Priced at 400.00

35 MM film Photography

The nostalgia, retro class imagery, and soft nature of color film

APX 40 - 60 flash color film photographs

Developed and handled by National Camera Exchange

Secondary Camera + Perspective

APX 4 - 6 Hours coverage.

Availability is Assured, Hire secondary photographer & Artist Sonja Schmitt!

Some real power behind a husbands and wife wedding photography team.

3. Legacy Package

1-2 Hour Individualized Engagement Session

Planning and Photography Coordination

All Day Photography Coverage

Online Gallery + High Resolution Downloads

Professionally Designed and Printed Photo Album

35 MM Film Photograph Shots

Price for Everlast Package services - 2,800.00

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer any sort of payment plans for your packages?

Yes I offer payment packages. I have a standard 3-5 months payment options. Whatever your situation, I am willing to work with you

Can I book services Al La Carte?

Yes, Whatever your needs are I will accommodate as best I can.

Can I receive my images in RAW Format?

Its out of the ordinary. Typically this means some one is not happy with our photo selections, or the edit style. Any changes that we need to make are negotiable and possible.

Do you shoot Video?

I have done hybrid video and photo for events, I am more experienced with photography. That is my focus. But I am open to it. Past clients have received highlight reels from me 1-3 minutes. and some 45 minutes videos. It depends on your needs.

Do you know any good videographers?

Yes, I have some great recommendations for 2nd photographers and videographers, coordinators, etc.

How many photos will I get?

About 100 per hour I am shooting: 8 HR - 800 photos, 10 HR - 1000 images.

When will I get my photos back?

It normally takes me about 4-6 weeks to fully edit, cull, and deliver your gallery.

How long will it take to receive my Printed album?

About 3 - 4 months due to the editing, selection, design, printing, shipping, quality check and reshipment. Each section of work takes a few weeks.

What happens if I cannot photograph your wedding the day of your event?

I have never missed an event. But you might either be re-assigned a new photographer with relatively equal level of skill than I, or receive a refund if I am unable to call upon my colleagues

If you have any more questions feel free to just ask me

Send me a message by way of my submittion form below

Individualized engagement session

Alexander Schmitt Photography

pushes you to be you, and be natural with your love

APX 1-2 hours of this engagement process